The coaching relationship is completely confidential. The Coach recognises that the Client may disclose future plans, business affairs and personal and financial information. The Coach will not at any time, share this information with a third party. The Coach will not at any time, either directly or indirectly, use any such information for the Coach’s own benefit.
Where a corporation provides coaching for an employee, issues raised during the coaching process remain confidential and will not be discussed with the corporation. The Coach will not be held liable should the employee choose to terminate their employment with the corporation during or after the coaching relationship.
The Coach will not divulge that the Coach and Client are in a coaching relationship without express consent of the Client. The Client’s name and contact details may be divulged to the ICF for the purposes of credentialing only. The Client, of course, is free to discuss the coaching relationship with anyone at any time. This confidentiality statement is intended to be as confidential as the applicable state or federal laws - and the Employer's own company policy (if applicable) - allows. The coaching relationship is not privileged and, as such, the Coach’s records regarding work with a Client can be subpoenaed.